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Ramakrishna Mission Home of Service, Varanasi
  • Performance 2022 - 2023

    Highlights of the performance of the Ramakrishna Mission Home of Service
Performance 2022-2023

Report of Activities

The Managing Committee of the Ramakrishna Mission Home of Service has great pleasure in placing before the public the report of the activities (01-04-2022 to 31-03-2023) of the Institution.

Indoor General Hospital

No. of Beds : 146

 HDU 8Observation Ward 8
  General Ward Beds

No. of Cases admitted : 5,976
No. of Dialysis Done (Hemodialysis) : 1,810
No. of Emergency cases attended : 10,878
Daily Average Occupancy : 77
No. of Operations Performed : 1,481
E.N.T 99
Cardio Surgery1Eye Surgery403
General Surgery231Gynaecology26
Laparoscopy439Neuro Surgery14
Plastic Surgery7

No. of surgical procedures done : 982

 O.P.D. 523 I.P.D.459

Department-wise admissions : 5,976

 Chest Physician6Cardiology1
Dental 2Dermatology 1
E.N.T.121General Medicine4,148
General Surgery730Gynaecology64
Plastic Surgery12Psychiatry1
Observation Ward at Ramakrishna Mission Varanasi
Observation Ward
Eye Operation at Ramakrishna Mission Varanasi
Eye Operation
Pathological Laboratory at Ramakrishna Mission Varanasi
Pathological Laboratory

Out Patients’ Department

Allopathy : 1,45,574
Homoeopathy : 7,820
Total patients treated : 1,53,394
Daily Average Attendance : 511
(For Allopathy and Homeopathy together on the basis of 300 working days a year)

Clinical and Pathological Laboratory

Haematology : 24,487
Serology : 22,515
Biochemistry : 48,708
Culture & Sensitivity : 1,695
Diagnostics PaidFreeConcessionTotal
Doppler Tests1,1878
Optholmology5,005336 195,360

Free Eye Camp : 
Cataract (IOL) Operation Camp 

Operations under IOL Camps were performed in our hospital from 1st April 2022 to 31>st March 2023. In this period, 103 patients were operated. Besides our three doctors, Dr. Radhika Chakraborty, Dr. Manisha Mishra & Dr. Shantanu Kumar Gupta; Dr. Bhaskar Mukherjee of Burdwan, W.B., also performed the operations.

Cataract Surgery at Ramakrishna Mission home of Service, Varanasi
Cataract Surgery

Mobile Dispensary

During the year 2 mobile medical units treated 5193 cases in Rampur & Kapildhara villages.

Report of Welfare Activity

ParticularsNo. of BeneficiariesAmount
Pecuniary Help (Monthly)
- Destitute widows 1766,11,10
 - Destitute1543,300
Scholarship to Students904,05,700
Help for treatment 29,40
 Help for Railway Ticket / Rickshaw Fare
Help for cremation 420,015
 Scholarship to Trainee Nurses22,65,881
 Distribution of  Food / Grocery7,398
Distribution of Sarees
Distribution of Blankets

Distribution of Clothes21,657
Free Medicine to Patients
Free to Patients
Discount to Patients
Blanket Distribution
Blanket Distribution

Retired Monks Quarter

Retired Monks residents are 14 as on 31st March 2023.

Old Age Homes (Invalids' Homes)

Two separate homes for men and women are maintained. Residents include 34 men and 52 women  as on 31st March 2023


As on 31st March 2023 the dairy had 28 milch cows, 11 milch pregnant cows, 6 dry pregnant cows, 28 heifers (7 Pregnant) and 23 calves (17 female, 2 male) taking the total strength of cattle to 99. Average daily milk yield was about 517 liters which was used for our patients at hospital and other residents. 


Ramnam Sankirtan
On Ekadasi days Ramnam Sankirtan is sung in the main office. Once during his stay in Varanasi, Swami Brahmanandaji Maharaj had a vision of Mahavir Hanuman attending the Ramanam held in the above premises.
Foundation Day
The 125th Foundation Day of Ramakrishna Mission was observed jointly by Sevashrama & Advaita Ashrama on Sunday, 1st May  2022

Independence Day - Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
The 75th Year of Indian Independence &125th Anniversary (Foundation Year) of Ramakrishna Mission was celebrated in a befitting manner. The following Programmes were conducted in Sevashrama & Advaita Ashrama campus:
  1. Written Competition based on Swamiji's Life & Message:
    1. For the Nursing Trainees of Sevashrama, 35 trainees took part.
    2. For the Students of 20 Schools of Varanasi, in two groups. 1st group for Class VI to IX and 2nd group for X to XII students, total 76 students took part.
  2. Fancy Dress Competition (selected characters) for the children of the Sevashrama Staffs, 17 children took part. Rank Holders 1st, 2nd& 3rd for the competitions held, got special prizes and the others got participation certificate and token gifts.
  3. A Drama based upon a story of Mahabharata, as narrated by Swami Vivekananda was staged by the Nursing Staff and students of Sevashrama.
  4. On 15th August 2022, our Independence Day, Swami Vishwatmanandaji Maharaj, Adhyaksha, Ramakrishna Advaita Ashrama, Varanasi, hoisted the National Flag in Sevashrama Campus and delivered a short speech. Singing of National Anthem followed. A dance drama titled ‘Vande Mataram’ was staged by the Nursing Students and others of Sevashrama.

New Cabins
18 new AC Cabins have been added and made functional w.e.f. 15th August 2022, the Independence Day. Revered Swami Vishwatmanandaji Maharaj, Adhyaksha, Ramakrishna Advaita Ashrama, Varanasi inaugurated the same. On this occasion Woolen Shawls, Fruits and Snacks were distributed among Rogi Narayans (Admitted patients).

New Mobile Medical Centre
The New Nurses Hostel Building’s Foundation Stone was laid by Revered Swami Dayatmanandaji Maharaj, a very senior monk of the order and presently staying at Varanasi on the auspicious Janmashtami Tithi, Friday, 19th August 2022. Railway Vikas Nigam Ltd. (RVNL) will finance this project. The estimated cost of the project is Rs. 2.39 Crores.
Revered Swami Gautamanandaji Maharaj, Vice President, Ramakrishna Math & Mission inaugurated the new website > on 9th September 2022.
Revered Swami Suhitanandaji Maharaj, Vice President, Ramakrishna Math & Mission visited Varanasi from 10th to 15th October 2022. More than 100 candidates got spiritual initiation from him in the adjacent Advaita Ashrama. Revered Maharaj expressed his deep interest in preserving the old Sevashrama site and structures and contributed a sum of Rs. 2 Lakhs for the said purpose.
Dental Unit Renovation
On 11th October 2022 Revered Swami Suhitanandaji Maharaj inaugurated the unit with installation of additional Dental chairs and OPG X-Ray Machine.

Revered Swami Gautamanandaji Maharaj, Vice President, Ramakrishna Math & Mission visited Varanasi from 12th to 14th November 2022. He contributed a sum of Rs. 2 Lakhs in the Permanent Fund for Ashrama purpose, in memory of his Guru Most Revered Swami Yatishwaranandaji Maharaj.

Christmas Eve
On 24th December 2022 Christmas Eve was celebrated in the Vivekananda Memorial Hall with Arati, Reading of Bible, Lecture on Life and Teachings of Christ (in Bengali & Hindi) and Carol Singing. A Power Point presentation was shown by Swami Divyasukhananda narrating the Antpur incident of 24th December 1886.

Swami Vivekananda Festival
On 22nd January 2023 Swami Vivekananda's Birth Anniversary Celebration was held in Sevashrama with special puja at Swamiji’s temple and Rogi Narayan Puja in the Hospital. All the inpatients were ceremoniously worshipped and distributed Woollen Shawls, Books on Swamiji, Fruits etc. Hospital Wards were decorated by the respective departmental staffs uniquely and various cultural programmes, tableaus, models were presented by them. Lunch Prasad was served to doctors, well-wishers and others. About 3,500 people took Prasad.

Foundation Day
The 125th Foundation Day of Ramakrishna Mission was observed jointly by Sevashrama & Advaita Ashrama on Sunday, 1st May  2022

Independence Day - Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
The 75th Year of Indian Independence &125th Anniversary (Foundation Year) of Ramakrishna Mission was celebrated in a befitting manner. The following Programmes were conducted in Sevashrama & Advaita Ashrama campus:
  1. Written Competition based on Swamiji's Life & Message:
    1. For the Nursing Trainees of Sevashrama, 35 trainees took part.
    2. For the Students of 20 Schools of Varanasi, in two groups. 1st group for Class VI to IX and 2nd group for X to XII students, total 76 students took part.
  2. Fancy Dress Competition (selected characters) for the children of the Sevashrama Staffs, 17 children took part. Rank Holders 1st, 2nd& 3rd for the competitions held, got special prizes and the others got participation certificate and token gifts.
  3. A Drama based upon a story of Mahabharata, as narrated by Swami Vivekananda was staged by the Nursing Staff and students of Sevashrama.
  4. On 15th August 2022, our Independence Day, Swami Vishwatmanandaji Maharaj, Adhyaksha, Ramakrishna Advaita Ashrama, Varanasi, hoisted the National Flag in Sevashrama Campus and delivered a short speech. Singing of National Anthem followed. A dance drama titled ‘Vande Mataram’ was staged by the Nursing Students and others of Sevashrama.

New Cabins
18 new AC Cabins have been added and made functional w.e.f. 15th August 2022, the Independence Day. Revered Swami Vishwatmanandaji Maharaj, Adhyaksha, Ramakrishna Advaita Ashrama, Varanasi inaugurated the same. On this occasion Woolen Shawls, Fruits and Snacks were distributed among Rogi Narayans (Admitted patients).

New Mobile Medical Centre
The New Nurses Hostel Building’s Foundation Stone was laid by Revered Swami Dayatmanandaji Maharaj, a very senior monk of the order and presently staying at Varanasi on the auspicious Janmashtami Tithi, Friday, 19th August 2022. Railway Vikas Nigam Ltd. (RVNL) will finance this project. The estimated cost of the project is Rs. 2.39 Crores.
Revered Swami Gautamanandaji Maharaj, Vice President, Ramakrishna Math & Mission inaugurated the new website > on 9th September 2022.
Revered Swami Suhitanandaji Maharaj, Vice President, Ramakrishna Math & Mission visited Varanasi from 10th to 15th October 2022. More than 100 candidates got spiritual initiation from him in the adjacent Advaita Ashrama. Revered Maharaj expressed his deep interest in preserving the old Sevashrama site and structures and contributed a sum of Rs. 2 Lakhs for the said purpose.
Dental Unit Renovation
On 11th October 2022 Revered Swami Suhitanandaji Maharaj inaugurated the unit with installation of additional Dental chairs and OPG X-Ray Machine.

Revered Swami Gautamanandaji Maharaj, Vice President, Ramakrishna Math & Mission visited Varanasi from 12th to 14th November 2022. He contributed a sum of Rs. 2 Lakhs in the Permanent Fund for Ashrama purpose, in memory of his Guru Most Revered Swami Yatishwaranandaji Maharaj.

Christmas Eve
On 24th December 2022 Christmas Eve was celebrated in the Vivekananda Memorial Hall with Arati, Reading of Bible, Lecture on Life and Teachings of Christ (in Bengali & Hindi) and Carol Singing. A Power Point presentation was shown by Swami Divyasukhananda narrating the Antpur incident of 24th December 1886.

Swami Vivekananda Festival
On 22nd January 2023 Swami Vivekananda's Birth Anniversary Celebration was held in Sevashrama with special puja at Swamiji’s temple and Rogi Narayan Puja in the Hospital. All the inpatients were ceremoniously worshipped and distributed Woollen Shawls, Books on Swamiji, Fruits etc. Hospital Wards were decorated by the respective departmental staffs uniquely and various cultural programmes, tableaus, models were presented by them. Lunch Prasad was served to doctors, well-wishers and others. About 3,500 people took Prasad.

Republic Day Celebration
On 26th January 2023 Republic Day was celebrated with great fervour. Revered Swami Vishwatmanandaji, President, Advaita Ashrama, Varanasi unfurled the National Flag and delivered a short and inspiring speech. All present sung National Anthem. Cultural Show based upon – “Swadesh Mantra of Swami Vivekananda and Kadam Kadam Badhaye Jaa” were performed by the Nursing Staff & Students of Sevashrama.

Mahashivaratri Puja
On 18th February 2023 Mahashivaratri Puja was performed in Laveshwar Shiva Temple with Vedic Chanting, singing of hymns etc.

Youth Cell
A Youth Cell namely "Vivekananda Study Circle" has been started at Varanasi jointly by Sevashrama and Advaita Ashrama. Every Sunday morning about 40 youths are joining the programme and learning meditation, Vedic prayers, Character formation and study of Swami Vivekananda Literature.

Physiotherapy Unit Upgradation
The upgradation work is completed and the unit is functioning satisfactorily.

Development Works

  1. Renovation of Dental Unit
    • Purchase of Dental Chairs.
    • Installation of OPG X-Ray Machine.
  2. Renovation of Physiotherapy Uni
    • Purchase of Laser Equipment.
    • Purchase of Robotic Spinal Decompression.
  3. Installation of VRV Airconditioning System at Male Medical Ward and OPD for Physiotherapy & Dental Unit.
  4. Purchase of 6 Part Hematology Analyzer (BC-6200), Immunoassay Assay (Model: CL900i), HB1AC Automatic Analyzer, Blood Culture Machine & TB RT-PCR Machine for Laboratory.
  5. Purchase of Integra Cusa Excel Generator & Skull Clamp etc. for Neuro Surgery O.T.
  6. Purchase of Modular O.T. Equipment.
  7. Installation of Fire Fighting Systems.

Special Thanks

  • All the donors, big and small.
  • All the doctors, para-medical staff, honorary workers and all other staff members who are associated with the Sevasharama offering their best services to the institution.
  • The Joint Director: CAD-RAD.
  • Senior Scientists: Dr. Debabrata B. Mondal, B.V.Sc., A.H., M.V. Sc. (Medicine), Ph.D. and other officials of the Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Bareilly, for their unstinting technical help and other timely support to our Goshala throughout the year.
  • Dr. Aniruddh Rai, B.V.Sc. & A.H., Ex-P.V.S. and Dr. U. B. Singh, B.V.Sc. & A.H., P.V.S. (Pant Nagar University).
  • Dr. Abhijit Mitra, B.V.Sc. & AH, M.Sc., Ph.D., Director: ICAR – Central Institute for Research on Cattle, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh-250001.

Previous Performance Reports :

Performance Report : 2020-21